We are so glad your family will be part of our community. Please use this page as a reference for getting started. Should you have any questions, please reach out to the Admission Office at admission@gosaints.org or to one of us directly.
Lower School Meet the Teacher August 12, 2025 - More info coming soon!
Middle School Orientation - all NEW students in grades 6-8 August 11, 2025 Bring your Chromebook
Upper School Orientation - all freshmen and all other NEW students in grades 10-12 August 11, 2025 Bring your laptop First Day of School Grades Pre-K3-12 August 13, 2025
MySA is your one-stop shop for most information you may need. If you are a new family, you will receive your login credentials in early June. To log in, go to www.gosaints.org, click on the three lines at the top right, and then click on MySA. Once you have an account, you can access the school’s master calendar, your student’s record, directories, and also Resource Boards. There are many boards that may be relevant to you, including those from your child’s division, athletics, Student Support Services, and also our St. Andrew’s Parents’ Association. Be on the lookout for your credentials in early summer.
The major all-school dates are published for the 2025-26 school year. Please know these dates are subject to change, and you should check with your division head before making any plans around them.
Please refer to the school handbook (Foundations and Grades Pre-K3 – 12) for questions about dress code, academic information, discipline, and much more. If you have any questions, please contact the admission office or your division head.
Billing arrangements are coordinated through the school's business office on the North Campus in Ridgeland. New parents are assigned an account in our tuition billing portal (FACTS) during the enrollment process. Statements and payment information will be managed through this account. Please contact the business office at business@gosaints.org or (601) 853-6041 should you have any questions.
Anna Wadlington is our Director of Student Health and Nurse and she is located primarily on the South Campus. Jessica Goldsbury is our school Nurse located primarily on our North Campus. Their school hours are 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM. If your child requires any medication during the school day (prescription or over-the-counter, including emergency medications), parents must check that in with the nurse directly. Please do not send medications with your child or in backpacks. The nurses will be available in August to check in medications for the 2025-26 school year. Anna can be reached by phone at 601-987-9308 or by email at wadlingtona@gosaints.org. Jessica can be reached at 601-853-6059 or by email at goldsburyje@gosaints.org.
Birth certificates and immunization records for students in Pre-K3 through 12 should be submitted by June 30 via our admission/enrollment portal. If you are moving to Mississippi from out-of-state, please note that your child/children will need to see a local pediatrician before school starts in order to have out-of-state immunizations converted to the required Mississippi 121 immunization form.
Every St. Andrew's parent will receive a weekly email from their division head to the email address we have on file. These emails are generally sent on Monday evenings. Additionally, every St. Andrew’s parent is automatically subscribed to the weekly school newsletter, Saints News. Parents can update their contact information found in their profiles in MySA. Saints News is generally sent on Tuesday evenings. In case of emergency, all parents will automatically be subscribed to receive emergency notifications via phone, email, and SMS (text).
The Information Technology department is here to help you! Our older students will be working with various online platforms, so please reach out to them for technical assistance and if you have questions about required equipment. https://gosaints.tech/ contains many resources for parents and students as well as a way to request help. There is also a wealth of information on the platforms our students use during school.
The St. Andrew’s Parents’ Association (SAPA) is an energetic, active organizational community made up of all parents of St. Andrew’s students. Our purpose is to facilitate parental understanding of the school’s goals and achievements, and to provide enrichment, parental support, and financial assistance to all aspects of the school. Each division has coordinators and some have grade-specific and classroom representatives. These volunteers will be a rich source of support and information for new families. There are many ways to get involved with SAPA.
Each division has summer work that is required of our older students, such as summer reading and math. There is also information on other to-do items, like completing school forms, as well as needed supplies and required equipment (Chromebooks for grades 5-8 and laptops for grades 9-12) All parents will receive a communication directing them to this information in late spring or early summer.
This is a non-optional fee. In order to provide textbooks to all students at a lower, bulk purchase price, all Middle and Upper School students are automatically enrolled in our textbook rental program. This fee includes all physical and digital textbooks/workbooks required for the 2025-26 school year; summer reading resources will still be purchased separately by individual families. Faculty have chosen whether the resources in their classes are to be rented and reused (i.e., need to be returned at the end of the course), or if that resource will be given to the student to freely write in to assist with their learning. In general, large history or math textbooks were selected by faculty to be included as part of the textbook rental pool, while items such as novels or workbooks may be kept permanently by students so they may freely highlight and annotate these. We recognize the importance of active reading strategies (i.e. highlighting, annotating, etc.) for all of our learners. Students should feel free to mark up all books as needed, and individual teachers will clarify expectations about textbook care at the beginning of each course.
Grades 4-8 May Not Use Apple Laptops or Windows 10 Laptops. Any student with an Apple or Windows 10 Laptop will be required to buy a Chromebook. We will be checking and registering every Middle School device in August of 2024.
Grades 4-8: Chromebook
Grades 9-12: Apple Laptop or Windows 10 or 12 Laptop
All students need headphones with a microphone. These do not need to be expensive items. If you have questions about these, please contact: anthony.deprato@gosaints.org
All required software will be provided. Please do not buy software without consulting with the technology department. Students are often eligible for discounts on personal software purchases.
St. Andrew’s offers multiple programs outside of the traditional school day. There are summer camps, after school enrichment programs, single day camps for when school is not in session during the academic year, and after school care for those needing care until late afternoon or evening. Visit our Auxiliaries page to explore the many offerings and sign up!
All families with a student who participates in an MHSAA sanctioned sport must have a Dragonfly Max profile to ensure eligibility. Each family only needs to create one profile; multiple athletes can be added to a single profile. More information will be provided this summer on creating your child’s profile.
For the upcoming school year, parents will provide a small backpack for students in the Early Childhood Center. As this is our first year to move toward backpacks rather than a bag with a shoulder strap, we want to be mindful that the size is appropriate for this age group, can fit in the classroom cubbies, and is a minimal distraction for students. Therefore we are asking that you please use this link to order your backpack, which gives your child the opportunity to choose their favorite color from the four provided with an option to monogram it if you’d like. We were mindful to select a backpack that is reasonably priced and durable with the hope that your child can use it throughout the years in the ECC. Please reach out if your family has any challenges or issues ordering the backpack, and we will be happy to help you. We will also provide tags with students’ names and carpool numbers in August that we will attach to the backpacks on the first day of school. ECC backpack guidelines are below:
ECC backpacks should come from the provided link with the appropriate dimensions (Capacity: 954 cu. in., 16 L. Weight: 13 oz. Dimensions: 14½"H x 11"W x 6"D).
Acceptable colors can be found on the link provided: bright neon pink, kelly green, red, or royal blue.
ECC backpacks should be free of key chains or added accessories that may create distractions in class.
The consolidated fee covers the other supplies that your child will need. The school provides a healthy snack each day so families only need to send a lunchbox if you plan to send a lunch from home. Parents can choose to bring or buy lunch for your child. FLIK is our food service provider and more information about ordering will be shared this summer. We also provide raised cots for naptime (Pre-K3 and Pre-K4), but you are welcome to send a blanket and/or small stuffed animal from home. St. Andrew’s also provides a Spirit Shirt for each student that can be worn on special occasions or dress-down days.
All supplies for your student have been paid for with your consolidated fee. Mats are provided for preschoolers’ rest time. Consolidated fees also pay for your student’s St. Andrew’s t-shirt, field trips, costumes, and annual yearbook. Backpacks for grades 1-4 will need to be purchased. Rolling back packs are not allowed in Lower School due to safety concerns in our hallways.
Shoes: Closed-toe and combinations of these colors only: gray, red, navy, black, brown or white. No brightly colored soles or shoelaces are allowed and there should be no neon on any portion of the shoe. No boots of any sort.
Socks: white and black only
A St. Andrew’s sweatshirt, sweater or jacket may be worn indoors as an additional layer.
Any outerwear (heavy jackets, hats, scarves) may be worn outside.
Jewelry should be appropriately moderate
Hairstyles must be neat, well-groomed and not extreme in color or style.
All jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts should be labeled. Lost items are placed in Lost & Found bins and are spread out for re-claiming several times throughout the year. Unclaimed and unlabeled items are donated.
Hats/Caps (aside from religious head wear), sunglasses and hoods may not be worn indoors
Undershirts/camisoles must be white or neutral in color. Long-sleeved undershirts may not be worn under short-sleeved shirts.
A uniform shirt must be worn underneath any St. Andrew’s sweatshirt. Oversized sweatshirts are not allowed.
Shirts must be tucked in, with the exception of the feminine fit navy polo.
All socks should be white, black, or navy.
Belt: plain black, brown, or navy
Hair should be clean, well-groomed, and worn away from the eyes. Hair decorations should be minimal.
Uniforms must be free of holes, clean, and in good repair.
No make-up for fifth and sixth graders
Body piercings should be limited to the ear.
Students may bring cold weather outerwear of their choice to wear outside on days when the temperature is under 50 degrees. They should remove the outerwear for class.
Students should wear comfortable active shoes with the expectation that the shoes might receive heavy wear and get dirty frequently.
Navy, black, or gray leggings and modesty shorts may be worn as needed under uniform pieces.
Middle School Clothing Options at the Saints Shop:
Skort (worn with polo or light blue Oxford shirt)
Jumper (worn with light blue Oxford shirt)
Khaki pants or shorts
Navy polo (unisex or feminine cut), navy or white dri-fit polo, striped polo, or light blue Oxford
Sweatshirts as outerwear (uniform shirt to be worn underneath)
At St. Andrew’s, we believe that all students should be held to reasonable guidelines regarding dress, which are outlined below. Students may wear the attire of their choice within these guidelines.
Non-religious piercings are restricted to the ears; tattoos must be covered.
Hair should be clean and students’ eyes should not be obstructed. Facial hair must be neatly trimmed.
All apparel must be opaque.
Shirts and dresses must have sleeves or straps at least the width of a credit card. If the top does not meet these guidelines a sweater or jacket must be worn at all times. Shirts and dresses should cover the midriff and chest.
Official college shirts may be worn; however, shirts representing fraternities or sororities may not be worn at any time.
Any t-shirts or hats with inappropriate language, references, or wordage may not be worn.
Tiny name brand logos such as Polo, Izod, or Nike, will be allowed.
All shorts, dresses, and skirts should extend to mid-thigh.
Rips are allowed in pants at knee level and below, only.
On game days, athletes may wear appropriate gameday attire.
Leggings/jeggings/yoga pants are allowed given they are worn with shirts that extend to mid-thigh.
Religious headwear is allowed in all locations. Non-religious headwear is allowed outside. St. Andrew’s hats, hats without words, and college/university hats may be worn.