St. Andrew’s Episcopal School prepares students for success by nurturing their unique talents and strengths. An investment in a St. Andrew’s education is a commitment to your child’s pursuit of excellence in all life’s endeavors. 
Despite the value of this investment, we recognize paying for a St. Andrew’s education is a major financial commitment for our families. St. Andrew's is proud to serve more than 30% of its students with need and merit-based tuition support and financial assistance awards on an annual basis. If the cost of a St. Andrew’s education is out of reach, we encourage families to apply for financial assistance. Learn more about Affording St. Andrew's here.

Tuition and Fees

List of 5 items.

  • One-Time Enrollment Deposit

    Enrollment: The one-time $500 enrollment deposit and signed contract are due per student within 10 business days of the contract offer date. The enrollment deposit is non-refundable.

    Re-enrollment: Contracts should be returned before the due date listed on the contract. A signed contract is due per student. No enrollment deposit is due for re-enrolling students.
  • 2025-26 Foundations – 12th Grade Tuition and Fees

    Grade LevelTuitionConsolidated FeeTextbook Fee
    Infants - Pre-K2
    Pre-Kindergarten Half-Day (3- and 4-year-old)
    Pre-K (3-year-old) Full-Day$14,600$440
    Pre-K (4-year-old) and Kindergarten Full-Day
    Grades 1-4$21,390$440
    Grades 5-8$23,100$490$250
    Grades 9-12$24,280$420$325
  • Foundations - 12th Grade Payment Plans

    Grade*Pre-Payment Plan**Semester Plan***Monthly Plan
    Infants - Pre-K2$13,450.00$6,725.00$1,120.83
    Pre-K Half-Day$10,220.40$5,210.00$1,066.50
    Pre-K3 Full-Day$14,748.00$7,520.00$1,540.00
    Pre-K4 & Kindergarten$17,688.00$9,020.00$1,847.00
    Grades 1-4$21,402.20$10,915.00$2,235.50
    Grades 5-8$23,378.00$11,920.00$2,440.50
    Grades 9-12$24,539.40$12,512.50$2,562.00
    Due DatesMarch 31, 2025
    August 1, 2025
    & January 1, 2026
    Foundations invoiced 6/5/2025 to 5/5/2026; Pre-K3-12th invoiced 7/5/2025 to 4/5/2026

    *PRE-PAYMENT PLAN: Total tuition and fees minus 2% discount of tuition is equal to the balance due. Payment is due in full by March 31, 2025. This plan is not available for students who enroll after the first day of the school year. 

    **SEMESTER PLAN: Total tuition and fees, divided by two, is equal to the balance due. 

    ***MONTHLY PLAN: Total tuition and fees, plus a monthly plan fee, is equal to the balance due. The monthly plan fee is divided by ten monthly payments for Pre-K3 through Grade 12 or twelve monthly payments for Infants through Pre-K2. 

    All tuition billing is processed through the school's FACTS Tuition Management portal. Tuition payments may be made by automatic bank draft, debit card, or credit card. Card payments are subject to the processing fees determined by FACTS.
  • Extended Day and After School Care Fees

    Pre-K3 through 8th Grade After School Care until 4:30 – $190 per month*

    Pre-K3 through 4th Grade After School Care until 5:45
    – $255 per month*

    5th Grade through 8th Grade After School Care until 6:00 – $255 per month*

    *August, December, and May are half-price.
  • Tuition Insurance

    Families have the opportunity to enroll in a Tuition Refund Plan that may relieve your financial obligation to the school should you need to leave the school once contracts bind. Families are encouraged to read the plan details to understand the circumstances under which they may be eligible for relief from their contractual obligations on this explanatory brochure

    Premiums for the plan will be billed separately, and all payments for premiums are due in full before school begins.
    A family’s financial aid award plays no role in the cost of tuition insurance. Premium costs for the 2025-26 school year are as follows:
    Grade LevelPremium Cost
    Infants - Pre-K2$355
    Pre-K3 and Pre-K4 Half-Day$270
    Pre-K3 Full-Day$355
    Pre-K4 and Kindergarten Full-Day$490
    Grades 1-4$590
    Grades 5-8$650
    Grades 9-12$675

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Rebecca Meaders

    Becca Meaders 

    Director of Human Resources
    (601) 853-6041
Foundations — Grade 12 • Jackson, Mississippi
South Campus | Infants to Grade 4
4120 Old Canton Road, Jackson, Mississippi 39216
North Campus | Grades 5 to 12
370 Old Agency Road, Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157