Signature Programs
Virtual Saints

Dual Enrollment

St. Andrew's is excited to partner with Mississippi State University to offer dual enrollment courses through our Virtual Saints platform. 
The purpose of dual enrollment programs is to offer structured opportunities for qualified high school students to simultaneously enroll in college courses at Mississippi (public) Institutions of Higher Learning that provide pathways leading to academic or career technical postsecondary credit.  Students who successfully complete dual enrollment courses will receive both High School and College credit.  Like all courses on the Virtual Saints platform, dual enrollment courses are open to anyone, anywhere!
The cost of a dual enrollment course through Mississippi State University is $550. The application deadline May 1, 2025.
State-wide Dual Enrollment Requirements
  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on all high school courses and
  • Successful completion of 14 core high school units and/or junior status and
  • Written recommendation from school principal or guidance counselor

  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale on all high school courses and
  • Minimum composite ACT score of 30 or the equivalent SAT score and
  • Written recommendation from school principal or guidance counselor

List of 4 items.

  • CHE 2203: Introduction to Engineering (Chemical Engineering)

    Credit Hours: 3 hours
    Prerequisite: Credit or registration in chemistry and calculus
    MSU application (required): Please contact Linda Rodriguez
    Materials: TBA
    *Two hours lecture. Two hours laboratory. Taught on approved high school campuses. 
    Introduction to engineering topics and analysis of engineering problems with applications to chemical and petroleum engineering.
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  • Computer Science 1284: Introduction to Computer Programming (Fall Term)

    Credit Hours: 3 hours
    Target Level: 11-12th grades
    Prerequisite: Completed or con-current enrollment in Algebra 2
    MSU application (required): Please contact Linda Rodriguez
    Materials: TBA
    This asynchronous course is an introductory level course which investigates problem solving and computer programming using object-oriented techniques. Theoretical and practical aspects of programming and problem solving. Designed for students interested in the field of Computer Science.
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  • Computer Science 1384: Intermediate Computer Programming (Spring Term)

    Credit Hours: 3 hours
    Target Level: 11-12th grades
    Prerequisite: Completed Algebra II and grade of C or higher in CS1284
    MSU application (required): Please contact Linda Rodriguez
    Materials: TBA
    Three hours lecture. Three hour laboratory. Object-oriented problem solving, design and programming. Introduction to data structures, algorithm design and complexity. Second course in sequence designed for CSE, CPE, and SE majors.
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  • CO 1403 Introduction to Mass Media (Spring Term)

    Credit Hours: 3 hours
    Target Level: 10-12th grades
    Prerequisite: none
    MSU application (required): Please contact Linda Rodriguez
    Materials: TBA
    Three hours lecture. How American media are organized to collect and distribute news, editorial, entertainment material, and other forms of public information.
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List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Linda Rodriguez

    Linda Rodriguez 

    Upper School English and History Teacher, Director of Virtual Learning
    (601) 853-6000
Foundations — Grade 12 • Jackson, Mississippi
South Campus | Infants to Grade 4
4120 Old Canton Road, Jackson, Mississippi 39216
North Campus | Grades 5 to 12
370 Old Agency Road, Ridgeland, Mississippi 39157